About Us

 Information Technology Trivia and Quizzes is a website for those who seek to test and increase their knowledge of the vast Information Technology field. Information Technology Trivia and Quizzes was created for those with a thirst for I.T. knowledge, ranging from ambitious I.T. newbies to seasoned, computer-literate I.T. techies/geeks. Information Technology Trivia and Quizzes’s content is comprised of I.T. trivia/quizzes, I.T. terminology flashcards and other related I.T. study material whose answers/data are sourced from reputable, trustworthy I.T. knowledge bases i.e, CompTIAPearson, McGraw HillO’ReillyApressCambridge University Press, etc. Information Technology Trivia and Quizzes’s content is organized by various categories and subcategories including computer hardware, computer software, computer networking, Microsoft Windows, Apple, Internet of Things, etc. If you have any questions, comments, etc., feel free to e-mail us at questions@ittriviaquiz.com or comments@ittriviaquiz.com. We hope you have an interesting, informative experience at Information Technology Trivia and Quizzes and feel free to visit us again in the future. Thank you.